Begonia rex 'Putzeys' | The American Begonia Society Pruning on a regular basis causes the plant to mature and develop a thicker set of stems. Underwatering is one of the most likely reasons your . Begonia 'Escargot' (Rex Begonia) - The easiest method to turn one Rex Begonia into two (or more) Rex Begonias is by dividing the . Flip the begonia leaf over and use your knife to make a 12-inch cut across five or six of the main veins. Here are some supplies and tools we find essential in our everyday work in the garden. Why are the leaves on my Begonia rex fading? Active Interest Media Holdco, Inc. Copyright 2023. To fix a leggy begonia, first, determine what is causing the overgrowth and then correct it by increasing light, temperature, or changing the plants pot. There are a few different methods that can be used to propagate rex begonias, but the most common is stem propagation. Rex begonias grow from a rhizome, which is a root system that sprouts buds and roots to grow into the plant. Water when the top 1" of soil becomes almost dry about once a week. When you cut a leaf, make sure the leaf-cutting has three inches of the petiole attached. It isnt too good to be true! Plants are root bound when you can't insert a pencil into a drainage holes on the pot. To do this, you want to cover the leaf-cutting in plastic wrap. It may seem brutal, but there really isnt much to it. The soil should always be moist. A small infestation isnt a big deal; once it grows, your plant can be in big trouble. It's available in various colors. If the two asexual propagation methods of cutting and branching are adopted, we should pay attention to maintaining high environmental humidity and temperature from 20 to 25 . Rex Begonia can also reproduce by dividing tubers. They need room to spread. But if you place a piece of paper under your plant and shake it, you should see them fall. Begonia Listada Plant Care Best Practices, Scarlet Begonia (Begonia Coccinea) Best Care Tips | Plantophiles, [] The leaf surface has a mixture of colors ranging from green grass ting to red., How to Root Succulents with Leaf Cuttings, How to Propagate Rex Begonias from Leaf Cuttings. This plant disease can destroy a plant. Propagating a Begonia rex doesnt have to be complicated. This article is about how to care for Begonia rex. Because they are susceptible to fungal infections, it is a good idea to limit the opportunity for those pesky diseases to establish a foothold in potting soils. Once the plant pot is ready to go, you can go ahead and plant the leaf-cutting. Salsa Rex begonia is a silver-leaf type that's variegated with shades of green and burgundy-red. Grow them there until theyre big enough to put in the garden or transplant into more permanent pots. It can affect the animals breathing and cause excessive drooling. Expect one or two plants per cut. The easiest method is to buy a humidifier. The leaves are narrow and spotted white. Step 4: Pin the rex begonia leaf into seed-starting mix Turn the begonia leaf back over and press it into the seed-starting mix. Protecting your leaf cutting from harm while it starts to root is important. Begin by removing the tallest, thinnest stalks. (6 Useful Methods of Use). They can take up to 6 weeks to emerge, so be patient. 4. Snip off flowers and older leaves first to give the division more energy for root growth. How to Divide 45 Favorite Perennials Dry, brittle leaves are a symptom of dry air. Gently transplant the babies into 3-inch pots. There is nothing you can do for the old damaged leaves. This Begonia creates both gorgeous leaves and flowers. The problem is that a rex begonia with some leaves bitten off is really a disaster on the gardening front. Rex begonias require high humidity and heavy fertilization during the growing period. They are resilient and thrive under that level of pruning. Make sure the medium is evenly moist but not wet or soggy. This is a common method for dividing hardy begonias. It was published in 1857. A temperature between 65-75F (18-24C) is ideal. Let the soil dry between waterings and avoid overwatering as it may cause fungal diseases or rot. Fill the plant pot with porous and fast-draining soil. Rex Begonia Seeds | Home Guides | SF Gate Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. And always make sure the first inch of soil is dry before you water your Begonia rex. Tuberous and rhizomatous begonias benefit from leaf removal and will reward you with new shoots and more perfectly formed growth. Step 1 - Find a suitable tuber. Divide the vine into smaller pieces, ensuring each has at least two or three leaves. Post #8301529 Quote CindyMzone5 Hobart, IN Jan 10, 2011 Should I try to evenly divide the roots so that all of the clumps have some roots? How to Divide 45 Favorite Perennials Because you can only cut once, consider what you want to keep and what needs to go. But the air in the plants environment cant be dry. NCBI BLAST name . Water Rex begonias like regular water but hate being overwatered. Its not uncommon for a clipped cane to produce two new shoots, resulting in an overall thicker and bushier plant. Rex Begonia Plant - Care, Growing, Watering, Propagation Then go ahead and fill the tray with water. This is it! Can Rex Begonias Be Cut Back - WHYIENJOY Then, to keep the cuts in contact with the mix, start pushing T-pins through the leaf into the soil. How to Grow Begonia Rex - Begonia rex care & info | Painted leaf Begonia - Houseplant Central This article was last updated on 12/27/21 Turn the begonia leaf back over and press it into the seed-starting mix. Take a close look at the shape of your begonia first. Your plant cannot photosynthesize and produce food if it is not exposed to light. Do begonias winter inside? Another way to prevent pests is to remove dead or dying leaves right away permanently. Begonias - University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural How to split begonias? Bright indirect sunlight, and can tolerate direct sunlight too. A Begonia rex needs porous fast-draining soil using peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite. Begonia Rex- Insightful Care Guide to Make Painted-Leaf Begonia Happy Moisten the sphagnum with a sprayer, then cover with glass or plastic wrap to keep moisture in. Among the various types of begonias, Begonia rex is one of the most beautiful and dramatic plants. Youll also want to check the roots to ensure root rot hasnt started. How to Propagate Rex Begonias | Home Guides | SF Gate Follow our step-by-step guide to dividing rex begonias and create the perfect gift for friends and family, while ensuring the continued health of your own plant. The rex begonia vine can be grown as an indoor plant or as an outdoor plant, though it will not survive cold temperatures outdoors. These strange plant pests are soft-bodied. Rex begonias make excellent house plants, and are easy to divide so you can gift them to friends. Have a lovely tuberous begonia who has been blooming well since August but is leggy now in December. Youll also need to make sure theres plenty of air circulation. With a sharp spade, cut a piece off. Now, set your plant on the pebbles. Giving your leggy begonia a haircut is the absolute best way to deal with it! Water the begonia transplant and acclimate it in an area out of direct sun. 1. What if I told you that you could propagate a bunch of beautiful rex begonias for almost nothing? Rex Begonia House Plants - Begonia rex Picture, Care Tips . The Rex begonia is a rhizomatous plant with stems creeping on the surface. Rhizomatous begonias such as the rex begonia can be easily propagated by. Grown for their foliage, the leaves come in shades of green, red, pink and silver. Rex Begonia Guide: How to Grow & Care for "Begonia rex-cultorum" A great way to prevent powdery mildew is through a spray mix you can make at home. Sow so the surface of the tuber is right at or right beneath soil level. Divide rhizomatous begonias in spring, ensuring that each portion of the rhizome bears one or more growing points. Then you can use the mix to spray down your plant. It suffocates the pests within only minutes. Above: Moist soil, happy begonia. All you have to do [], Begonia Venosa Care - Guide To Plant Success | Plantophiles, [] you are interested in Begonia, other Begonia to have a look at are Begonia Rex, Begonia Darthvaderiana, Begonia [], Begonia Cucullata Care: Here's What You Need to Know | Plantophiles, [] can also gradually move your Begonia into lower light as time goes on, but keep in mind you will have to adapt it to bright light in the [], Begonia Bipinnatifida Care: Here's What's Important | Plantophiles, [] this Begonia is also very prone to powdery mildew and other fungal and bacterial diseases. But because they propagate so easily, it's a simple matter to keep a steady supply of healthy plants by creating new plants from cuttings. Is the Begonia rex plant toxic to animals? They also thrive on humidity but don't like direct misting, which encourages powdery mildew. After youve trimmed your plant to the desired height, pinch off new growth sprouting at the top on a regular basis. At night, the temperature should never drop below 60F (16C). Rex Begonia | Costa Farms A small amount of root-binding is ideal for keeping your plant compact and lush. Read our. A Begonia rex fools many plant lovers with dry leaves. Blight plant disease is challenging to battle. Over-watering can make your plant sick and fast. Regular LED Lights vs. Grow Lights, just didn't know how. Insert the cuttings in moist, free-draining potting mix and place the set up in a warm, shaded place. Thank you! Most of the time, the roots should be easy to divide by hand. You deal with powdery mildew when you see a white powdery substance all over your plant. Water sparingly and allow to drain. Airy, light, fast-draining soil is best for rex begonias. Replace any fluids lost during pruning by giving your plant a good drink and returning it to its original location to recover. A few stones may help keep the begonia leaf from curling up and away from the mix, as well. Published: Wednesday, 26 August, 2020 at 3:06 pm. Check weekly. These mites arent actual insects but arachnids instead. Continue reading to learn how to turn this unfortunate circumstance into a win for your indoor garden. A tuber ready to divide should be large and also have at least two clear stems. Here are some other cool Begonia species to check out. Rex Begonia Care - Painted Leaf Begonia Houseplant Care Rex begonias are a special group, because we grow them for their beautiful leaves. The easiest way is to run a faucet or hose over the roots. But be careful not to let the plastic touch the leaves or you could risk fungal problems. Lay the plants roots on a paper towel. By using our site, you agree to our. Its easy to do, especially when keeping the soil moist. Fertilize your begonias. All rights reserved. I knew I could propagate the leaves, I. Lift the Rex begonia tuber from the pot with a spade or your hands. An older begonia may become leggy as the leaves on its older stems fall off. Dip each piece into hormone rooting powder and shake off the excess. Place your plant or bury the rhizome in a shallow container filled with rich, aerated plant mix. Are Begonia Rex Plants Poisonous? - Study Nature A Begonia rex needs porous fast-draining soil using peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite. But they can get pricey. Do not put a Begonia where it gets a southern or even a western exposure. When a previously lush and leafy specimen produces an excess of stems and stalks, it shoots up until its nothing more than a tuft of greenery on a long bundle of sticks. I hang fluorescent lights 6 inches above the cuttings and leave them on about 12 hours each day until the new plants start to grow. I like to take leaf cuttings because its so fascinating to watch a single leaf sprout a whole bunch of babies. There are wide different Begonia rex varieties available: Begonia rex has vibrant foliage that ranges from red to green to purple with various patterns. It isnt too good to be true! Dont be afraid! Get rid of these infected leaves right away. Consider using a systemic fungicide. You may get several cuttings depending on the size of your leaf. Pruning and pinching will help you concentrate the growth of your plant and make it denser and bushier. Open the containers lid once a week for 10 minutes to let the cuttings breath. Begonias are some of my favorite indoor plants. Don't water the leaves, only the soil to avoid fungal disease issues. Simply keeping your new dense delight well-watered and well-lit will result in thicker, more luscious growth. Slice down several inches deepat least 6 inches for most plants and more for extremely large, well-rooted plants. The most toxic parts of this plant grow underground. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. Cultivar Selection Begonia rex : Evergreen perennial to 30cm, with large, obliquely ovate leaves which are metallic green with a silvery zone on the upper surface, reddish beneath; panicles of small pink flowers in winter. Grows up to 10-12 in. When the water evaporates, it creates moisture in the air. It can be a tattered, older leaf, but on the underside, the main veins should be plump and undamaged. 2 Let the soil surface become dry to the touch before watering. You dont want it to take off again, so keep an eye on it. You can use tape to keep the plastic wrap to the cutting. Keep it out of direct sunlight, but in a warm, well-lit spot. A systemic fungicide can help. After you've resolved the initial problem, prune your plant from the top-down, removing the leggy parts.